Part 79: Paralogue 15: A Shot in the Dark (Noire)
Paralogue 15: A Shot in the Dark
Tharja's paralogue is located in the upper-right corner of the 1st continent. Someone has to propose to Tharja to unlock the mission, so get on it, Gaius.

*From a distance*

Tons of fliers and horse units. Unlike a lot of the children's paralogues, this isn't a Kill Commander mission.

Noire is hanging around in a building, safe from the surrounding danger for the moment. She doesn't need to be recruited manually despite starting out as a green ally, but there's still a race to reach her before she gets killed.

Did Morgan do something? How did Anna get voted in over Brady? Do you voters really like her scamming Tiki that much?!

Tharja with Lucina's support will lead the team to Ezra's way while Chrom and his company set out to rescue Noire.

Noire is now controllable and gains a Steel Bow.

The plan to wall the bridge didn't work out well, so Tharja's team retreats back to the starting area.
Nowi stays alone as Robin and Cynthia wait on the edge of the danger zone to swoop in on the weakened enemies next turn.

Good thing about the fliers near the wall is that none of them have 2-range weaponry, so Noire can in theory snipe all of them safely as long as someone plugs the one entrance to the building.

Tharja takes on a few troops by herself, chipping the fliers while one-rounding the slower enemies like Paladins and Griffon Riders.

Tharja finally reaches double-digit luck, gets some skill, and learns Tomebreaker (Gain +50 hit/avoid against tomes).

Nah does her own "take half the army" routine, taking out a couple Bow Knights in the process.

Where's yo defense, Nah yo?

Nah and Robin start off the turn with eliminating some slavers.

Anna Rescues Noire and gains every stat but strength and resistance for her good deed.

Owain continues to build on his bow rank, while Severa gets angry that Cordelia didn't finish off the Bow Knight.

Tharja and Lissa wipe out the wounded to clear the air. On a side-note, effective damage will one-shot any Dark Flier on our team so Cynthia and Robin are also terrible to be in range of enemy combat.

Tiki continues to burn faces off. Lissa counterkills a Paladin to clear the left-side enemies.

How little is "little," dear Tiki...

Good start, although since you're an Archer, your votability for future missions might be compromised.

Noire and Chrom's squad head inside the building for that theory I mentioned earlier.

Severa makes sure her mother can't screw up this time.

Lucy gets some target practice with her developing tome rank. Noire continues shooting fish in a barrel. Or out of a barrel.

Hah, she already has more luck than her mother.

Nah is in that sweet spot where she doesn't double or one-shot enemies. I'm kinda hoping she doesn't gain any more speed. It's weird.

Tiki and Lucy takes on the rest of the left-side enemies.

Why do I get the feeling Tharja's lack of skill turned into some sort of horror story for Noire's bedtime stories.

Cynthia gets some kills, too since Noire's fill stops at level 15. Anna Rescues her afterwards, as that is Cynthia's trademark at this point.

Take your kids to Slaughter Day.

Severa also learns Sol.

Yeah, keep gaining that...magic, I guess?

Scales are not good for your diet, Ezra.

Neither is a ball of spirit fire.

The bare minimum for any kill.

Eh, she got the right things at least.

Oh...kay, I guess he just really likes spicy food.

This is a weird level. Ezra leaves an Energy Drop after the battle.

Let's close it out, Noire.

Clutch level.

(Noire approaches Tharja)

Starting Class: Archer
Weapon Ranks: Bows (C)
Archer Support Bonus: +2 Str/Skill/Defense
Reclass options: Archer, Dark Mage, Knight, Myrmidon, Thief, Pegasus Knight
Base stats (Growths as Gaius's child)
HP: 31 (85) Spd: 19 (61)
Str: 12 (53) Lck: 10 (38)
Mag: 8 (33) Def: 13 (40)
Skill: 17 (65) Res: 6 (30)
Noire's growths are decent to okay aside from her speed, and she has great re-class options thanks to Gaius (Myrmidon, Thief, Pegasus Knight). Even as a Knight she'll have over 50% in speed growths, but the rest of her growths don't really support anything other than hitting hard really fast.
Official Bio: Tharja's future daughter. Repeated doses of her mother's hexes turned her into an extreme coward and pessimist -- but beware her terrifying alter ego when pushed too far. The first to flee when danger hits.